<address>© XENON-Collaboration</address>
© XENON-Collaboration

First measurement of a nuclear recoil signal from solar neutrinos with XENONnT

Alongside hypothetical dark matter particles, neutrinos from the sun have long been predicted to be observable in detectors built to search for dark matter nuclear recoil signals. The XENON collaboration has now succeeded in proving this. The Institute of Nuclear Physics at the University of Münster, headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Weinheimer, was also involved. Solar neutrinos are the lightest known elementary particles; they are created in nuclear processes in the sun's interior.

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© Uni MS - Peter Lessmann

Continuing education at the University of Münster

In 1998, the German Higher Education Framework Act was amended to make continuing education one of the core responsibilities of German universities together with research and teaching. Ever since, the University of Münster has offered high-quality continuing education programmes for academics and managerial staff, as well as executives and board members in business, administration and the service sector. The continuing education providers at the University of Münster are the Münster University Continuing Education and JurGrad [de].

The Clusters of Excellence of the University of Münster

The two Clusters of Excellence, which the University of Münster has acquired as part of the federal and state Excellence Strategy, comprise faculties from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The Department of Mathematics was successful with the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure". The Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", funded for the third time, comprises around 200 researchers in the humanities and social sciences from 20 disciplines.

Junior Researchers
© Uni MS - Peter Grewer

Junior Researchers

The University of Münster actively supports its junior researchers as part of its academic personnel development strategy. Career counselling and funding opportunities, structured doctoral programmes and qualification measures provide candidates with a more transparent and plannable career path into academia.

About us

Current information
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Info page on the war in Ukraine

The University of Münster offers a broad range of advisory structures targeted at various groups: the International Office as the first point of contact for international students and researchers, the Graduate Centre for doctoral candidates, and the Personnel Department for University employees. In addition, counselling services for refugees are established in all areas.

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© Ulysseus

Ulysseus at the University of Münster

Ulysseus is one of the current 41 European universities funded by the European Commission and the EU through Erasmus+.
The European Universities initiative aims to create transnational alliances that will develop into universities of the future, promoting European values and identity and thus revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.

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Career opportunities at the University of Münster

In this section, we provide extensive information about work placements, training programmes and employment opportunities for staff and students of the University of Münster. Here you will find general information, job advertisements, work placement announcements, training programme openings and administrative services.